
Selasa, 26 Februari 2013


ANNOUNCEMENT (pengumuman) adalah (pemberitahuan resmi) dalam bentuk  lisan atau tulis yang berisi sesuatu untuk diketahui oleh orang banyak.

Exsemlpe (contoh) :
Ayah Bunda Hospital will be holding a family gathering for all employess on 10th February 2012 in the jungle of puti kayu, Palembang. Please try to participate and bring your families along. For more information, contact TANAWIRO, HRD office.

HRD Manager

Jawablah soal di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!!
1.     What is announcement about?
Answer : Announcement about is Ayah Bunda Hospital will be holding a family gathering for all employess on 10th February 2012 in the jungle of puti kayu, Palembang.
2.     Who should we call to get more information ?
Answer : we call to get more information from Tanawiro, HRD office.
3.     Please, find the difficult wold and then find the meaning? (at least 3 word)
Answer : Try = Mencoba, Holding = Mengadakan/Menyelenggarakan, gathering = Pertemuan, employess = pegawai, Along = seluruh.

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